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Soot Blower in Boiler

1:- Overview  Soot blowing is an important process commonly used in industries and related to boiler maintenance. This comprehensive article will look at what soot-blowing entails, the implications of not performing

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How to Become a Port Operation Officer.

1:- Overview  2:- What are Port Operations? 3:- Who is Port Operation Officer? 4:- Skills Required for Port Operation Officer 4.1:- Stakeholder Management 4.2:- Cargo Operation Knowledge 4.3:- Management Level Expertise

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ISPS Code: Safeguarding Our Seas

Overview 1:- Introduction to ISPS Safety and security are paramount in the vast expanse of the world’s oceans. With the rise of global trade and travel, ensuring the protection of ships

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Crude Oil Washing

1:- Understanding Crude Oil Washing Onboard Crude oil washing (COW) is a compulsory task that the masters and officers of the ship handle during voyages that mainly concern the shipment of

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Air Compressor in Ships

1:- Introduction Air compressors on ships fill multiple necessities, from airing pneumatic instruments to providing air for vital systems. Now, let’s start with the very basics of air compressors on ships,

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Soot Blower in Boiler

1:- Overview  Soot blowing is an important process commonly used in industries and related to boiler maintenance. This comprehensive article will look at what soot-blowing entails, the implications of not performing

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Crude Oil Washing

1:- Understanding Crude Oil Washing Onboard Crude oil washing (COW) is a compulsory task that the masters and officers of the ship handle during voyages that mainly concern the shipment of

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Air Compressor in Ships

1:- Introduction Air compressors on ships fill multiple necessities, from airing pneumatic instruments to providing air for vital systems. Now, let’s start with the very basics of air compressors on ships,

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Boiler Starting Procedure

1. Overview The boiler starting procedure ensures safe and efficient operation by following key steps: checking alarms, purging sequences, igniting the pilot burner, verifying main burner ignition, regulating fuel oil flow,

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Fresh Water Generator on Ship

Fresh water generators are critical on ships, primarily because access to freshwater sources is restricted at sea. Ships require fresh water for various onboard uses; therefore, freshwater generation systems are critical

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Ballast Water Treatment System

1. Ballast Water Treatment System Ballast water treatment systems (BWTS) are indispensable mechanisms installed on ships to sanitize ballast water, crucial for maintaining stability and preventing ecological disruptions during voyages. By

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Inert Gas System

Overview Inert Gas Systems (IGS) are vital safety mechanisms on oil vessels, displacing flammable gases with inert ones to prevent explosions. They consist of generators, scrubbers, blowers, and safety features, ensuring

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Digitalization in Shipping Industry

1. Overview Digitalization is the process of using digital technologies to revolutionize traditional corporate processes and operations, it comprises the integration of technologies such as IoT, AI, Big Data Analytics, and

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How to Become a Port Operation Officer.

1:- Overview  2:- What are Port Operations? 3:- Who is Port Operation Officer? 4:- Skills Required for Port Operation Officer 4.1:- Stakeholder Management 4.2:- Cargo Operation Knowledge 4.3:- Management Level Expertise

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Merchant Navy V/S Ship Brokering

Overview Both ship brokering and the merchant navy have benefits and drawbacks altogether. Merchant Navy involves working on commercial vessels, including different types of vessels, transportation of goods and people by

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What is Commercial Shipping?

Overview 1:- What is Commercial Shipping? Commercial shipping refers to the business of transporting goods, commodities, and materials by sea for trade and commerce. It is a crucial element of the

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How to Become a Ship Broker.

Overview  A ship broker is a professional who works as a mediator between charters and owners. They facilitate the buying, and selling of the vessels. They are responsible for the handling

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How to Become a Marine Pilot?

The Merchant Navy offers a plethora of opportunities at sea and offshore. The skill set acquired at sea can be translated into professions such as that of a Marine Pilot. A

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Port State Control | A Comprehensive Guide

Overview 1:- Why is Port State Control Necessary? Port State Control (PSC) is necessary for several reasons: Port state control is essential to preserving environmental integrity, upholding safety standards, and encouraging

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Top 3 Insurance for Seafarers

A ship’s life span is protected against various damages and natural calamities. This is known as Marine Insurance, which is vital to modern-day shipping. Practically speaking, anything that you touch and

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Top Mutual Funds for SIP

“If your money can not grow when you are sleeping then you will keep working throughout your life” Mutual Fund refers to professional pooling of assets from shareholders in stocks, bonds

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Financial Planning for Seafarers

The Merchant Navy offers a lucrative salary. It is one of the popular reasons for aspirants to join the vessel. But money alone cannot guarantee financial stability in life. It comes

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Cryptocurrency for Seafarers

We know that a currency is the standardization of money in any form, in use or circulation as a medium of exchange, for example, banknotes and coins. So how is this

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Term Insurance for Seafarers

Overview 1:- Types of Life Insurance 1.1:- Endowment 1.2:- Whole Life Insurance 1.3:- Money Back Policy 1.4:- Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIPs) 1.5:- Term Insurance 2:- Term Insurance v/s Life Insurance.

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