(183 Ratings)


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After Dreamers Package, what next?
Well, Dreamers Package was a basic knowledge package. It aimed at building a basic FOUNDATION and now let us build a tall STRUCTURE on the strong foundation laid earlier by the Dreamers Package with the help of VISIONARY PACKAGE.

In the Visionary Package, you will have Tutorials by Chief Engineer Praneet Mehta on Ship, explaining each concept with WHY? Then he has gone further taking LIVE Engine room round and explaining each and every part in detail. He has not stopped there and wherever he felt the need, he has added ANIMATED videos for better understanding.

Dreamers Package was the THEORY, which is the first basic step to learning. Now Visionary Package is one step ahead adding VISUALS to make it a better experience for students who want to learn and grow.

We hope that Engine Room rounds, tutorials on Ship, and Animated videos will just give a different feel to students who are eager to learn and they will surely do so much better in College and on Ship.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Getting PLACEMENT for marine engineering students. Getting SPONSORSHIP for GME students. Clearing MEO Class IV and most importantly EARNING RESPECT ON SHIP.

Course Content


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  • LEARN & EARN with Merchant Navy Decoded

You will get to know all about Filters. Not just the theoretical part but a Live Engine Room round as well. As a Visionary you will be dealing with Filters on your first Ship.

This topic will cover not just all the theory that you need to know about Valves focusing mainly on practical Engine room knowledge but along with that a detailed Engine room round and two case studies in details, for a Globe Valve and a Butterfly valve.

This topic will focus on some important videos that cover lubricants like Grease , WD 40 , Molykote, Thread seal, Devcon Putty and so on.

Manometers are very critical equipment fitted onboard Ship. They are fitted on ME Air Coolers , Turbochargers , Exhaust Gas Boilers for knowing the differential pressure across the equipment.

Pressure gauges play one of the most important role onboard Ship. The place they are fitted , what kind of pressure gauges are fitted and how to read and order them , matter the most. These videos will answer all your queries.

Pumps play one of the most important role onboard Ships. There are various kinds of pumps fitted , depending upon a particular purpose to fulfill. This section will clear all the basic concepts and even the automation part of the pumps as well.

Engine Room round is one of the most important part of any Marine Engineer , let us know , how to take the round and what all factors are really important to look into.

Line diagram is the most important aspect for any engineer.

Don't forget to watch till the end, a special message by CE Praneet for all the Visionaries.

A very important part of safety onboard Ship from Fire.

Fixed Fire Fighting System (CO2 SYSTEM) is a very important system from the perspective of safety onboard Ship. If there is a fire in Engine Room and it gets uncontrollable then you need to extinguish it using FIXED FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM , else the Ship will sink and we all can die.

Leakages on Ship can have disastrous consequences if not looked into and the biggest problem is identifying a leak at times , this video is made especially to cover this topic.

A topic concerned with safety onboard Ship , a lot of accidents have happened where FIRE has taken place on Ship and lives have been lost because of HOT SPOTS onboard Ship , especially in Engine Room . With this video , we will get a very good idea about the HOT SPOTS.

This video is very informative as it will cover all the basic things that we need to know regarding types of fire and types of portable extinguishers used and why ?

In this video we are going to take a Life Boat Round and try to learn as much as possible about one of the most important machinery onboard Ship, which is designed for our safety.

What are we trying to rescue here? What is a Rescue Boat? What does a Rescue Boat look like and how does it work? Along with these questions, there are going to be a lot of other questions coming to your mind, please watch this video and get them answered.

Another Fixed Fire fighting system fitted onboard Ship which focuses on important machinery which are prone to fire like Main Engine, Auxiliary Engines, Purifier, Incinerator, and Boilers.

One of the most important aspects of safety onboard Ship. A very important video to understand how safety measures work on Ship.

This video is very important to understand the concept of Emergency Bilge Suction and how it works. What are the points to remember about Emergency Bilge Suction Valve.

Again a very important aspect of safety on board Ship. In this video, you will learn about the purpose of Emergency Stops on board Ships. Why emergency stops are fitted onboard Ship? How do use these stops for our safety on Ship as well? Most importantly a LIVE DEMO awaits.

In our day to day lives we use directions like Left, Right, Up, Down, Forward and Backwards but on Ship the way we represent directions completely changes. So watch this video to remove that confusion today itself. Moreover, how we number a machinery onboard Ship is equally important and explained in this video.

Saturdays on Ship are meant for checking Emergency equipment and machinery for our own safety. Important equipment that is used in Emergency like Emergency Fire Pump, Emergency Generator, Emergency Steering, Blower Flaps, and Funnel Flaps are tried out on weekly basis.

Quick Closing Valves are of utmost importance onboard Ship. They can prevent a Ship from sinking or save lives onboard a Ship, now how they do that, we need to watch the videos and make our own notes.


Another important aspect of safety on board Ship. One needs to understand the importance of wearing a safety harness, when to wear a safety harness and how to work wearing a safety harness on board Ship.

There are two kinds of Ships these days, Manned ships and Unmanned Ships. Manned Ships are those where the Engine Room is manned all 24 hours and Unmanned Ships are those, where the Engine Room is unmanned at night. The duties of watchkeeping engineers in these two kinds of Ships are clearly explained and with LIVE DEMO the purpose of the Unmanned Engine Room, What is Engineer's call alarm, what is Dead Man Alarm system is discussed in this video in detail.

Alarm Monitoring System is the heart of the Engine Room and if an engineer understands this system then life becomes easy on Ship, especially when it comes to troubleshooting.

This is one of the most important equipment fitted onboard Ship. If all the Generators fail then Emergency Generator takes up the responsibility of lighting up the Ship and also giving supply to emergency equipment , so that we can restore power. Each and every video in this topic is very important and a must watch.

This section covers a SMOKE TUBE BOILER fitted on a Bulk Carrier. A lot of videos regarding explaining the complete Boiler system, Boiler water testing, Boiler alarms and trips, Theory on Boilers will be explained in the simplest of concepts.



In this topic we have tried to cover mostly all the important aspects related to Sewage Treatment Plant, why used onboard Ship, what are the chemical testing that needs to be carried out , a great ANIMATION video just to clear the doubts if any remaining in the students mind, all about Grey water and Black water. Lastly a few common troubleshooting that are very important to be known.






Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 183 Ratings
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9 months ago
Hii everyone my name is Pulkit, I was the average student in academics from the starting, but with the help of a dreamer and visionary package, I was able to clear my interview for the sponsorship. After Going through the dreamer package, It have a very impactable effect on my knowledge. As it also helps me in clearing my written examination, The way of explaining is also very effective. I would like to give it 4.5 stars out of 5
9 months ago
It was really nice, totally practical exposure and a very nice package. The engine room videos were really good. I really like the concept of the videos and the course is worth its price. I really like the way of teaching this package, it is very helpful and I would like to suggest the student to go through this package at least once. I would like to give this package 5 out of 5 stars.

9 months ago
It was good as it is mostly about the practical thing that we used to do on the ship, It is really good for the person going on the ship for the first time as it gives a good vision of the thing going on the ship. The only issue that I faced is relating to the login parts. Whereas I don't phase any issue relating to the content of the package as it is more than sufficient. I would like to give it 4 out of 5 because except the login issue I did not face any problem in the packages.
9 months ago
Currently I am preparing for class 4 , and from my side it was really good. It is helping me a lot , as there are a lot of things that are explained very easily and in a very simple language that is easy to understand. In my point of view a non science student can also understand what sir is teaching, as they are using such easy language to explain. It is also helping me in my oral exams. I would like to rate it 5 out of 5 stars.
10 months ago
Concept is so good that there is nothing to complain about. It provides more value than its worth. I got exactly what I needed. It is really good for the beginners as the explanation by Praneet was really good and simple. My recommendation to all GME aspirants is to join this package and fulfill your dreams.. Blessed to have you sir as mentor and thank you for your constant support... JAI MATA DI SIR!!
It was pretty good, t In Visionary Package along with theory I get to learn Practical knowledge as well and I find it very helpful.My favorite topics from the visionary package which I enjoyed learning were Air compressors, incinerators & Air conditioning systems. learning about incinerators, line diagrams and their practicals of it was an amazing experience for me. This package was worth it.
10 months ago
When I was in my second year of b tech engineering then I bought this package. During the covid period I started studying the dreamers package, after that I got selected in the interview.I think onboard explanation was missing in the dreamers package, because as a deck cadet my work is to work on the machinery. I would certainly like to recommend this package because I am the live example one can see. I thank Praneet Mehta sir for his endeavour toward us.
10 months ago
It was good as I got selected in anglo due to this package. All the basic things were in the achievers package so it was very easy to mug up things and give the interview and the explanation by sir was also so good. All the topics were very well explained and that makes this package really good for the beginners. I would really suggest the beginners to go through this package if they want to make a career in this field.
10 months ago
It was an extremely good package , I used it for nearly one month and It helped me in getting selected in Anglo easter and from there i completed my Gme . Everything was explained from the basics. The basic thing i have studied in btech like hydraulics , it helps me in reminding everything. . I am loving all the practical aspects of this package and would love to thank Praneet Sir for this package.
10 months ago
:I would give it more than 5 stars if I could. It is so approachable and simple and I have never seen anyone else take classes with such details the way that Praneet Sir has taken it.. It's definitely worth the investment because the way the classes are explained are excellent. Sir has taught about pumps, boilers, RAC, AC systems and IC engines in very detail. I also liked the MCQ question provided in their package. Thank You & Jai Mata Di.
10 months ago
This package is really good, This package is really much helpful for me to to know the onboard machinery with the live videos. The practical live rounds in the engine room were very good and the theory classes were also done well. .The combination of practical and theoretical aspects are what makes this package this good. Thank you so much Praneet Mehta sir for making such packages.
10 months ago
That was really very good , genuinely saying it was very helpful. Actually when I was going onboard , I used this visionary package. It gave me good information about the machinery on board, I really gained some confidence as I know little bit about the machinery and I think the explanation was also on point . This package is worth its price . Really really informative and good for both the beginners and experienced. Thank you sir.
10 months ago
It was a good thing , there are a lot of new things to learn. It helped me in my interview only , but in the view of gaining knowledge it is an eye opener. It was very versatile in nature , it contained content from all parts. You can add more topics, as I think that Gas ships part was the only thing that was missing. Moreover The explanation was very good. I really liked how sir explained all the topics.
10 months ago
Hi everyone , my name is Niranjan , I am working in a ship building company , I have purchased this package to know about the basics. According to me it is really good , but I think I would like to tell you that you can add operation and maintenance things . The Best tracking feature of this package is that both practical and theoretical knowledge go hand in hand . This was a nice experience. I would like to rate it 5 out of 5 stars.
10 months ago
It is also very good for practical things and onboard ship videos are very good. All the topics that are covered in this package are very useful as they must help in getting the knowledge of all the machinery. I can recommend the package easily to all the mariners and also to all the merchant navy aspirants this package is a must.
10 months ago
visionary package helped me to connect the theory knowledge and practical knowledge. Learnt a lot of things in practical and lt gave me an idea how the things work in ship
10 months ago
It was really good , it covered all the basic knowledge , it was really nice. Most of the questions are coming from the dreamer and visionary package in the interview . It really helped me to clear the interview. No need to improve in both the packages . All the topics were well explained , Both of the package would be enough to clear the interview for the sponsorship .
10 months ago
Hi everyone my name is Deepak, I am currently working as a fourth engineer . The package was really good , I have not completed the package , but whatever I have studied helped me a lot . All the necessary topics were included in the package . The explanation was on point , and I really like the explanation given by Praneet sir. The concept by merchant navy decoded was very good . Thank you sir for being there for us.
10 months ago
I really liked this package as it was very helpful . The concepts were very good, starting from the basics. I really liked the video quality and the way of explaining was very nice . It really helped me in gaining the habit of studying. The way of teaching makes this package a valuable asset for the students who want to make a strong foundation in this field. Along with the basics , this package provides a good practical knowledge .
1 year ago
I have completed my pre-sea training from HIMT Chennai and currently I am working in an onshore job. I have gone through the package and I liked the package as it has all the practical videos of the engine room and the machineries. I think this package will be very good for someone who is yet to join his ship as he will get an idea of the ship.