safeties in refrigeration system

Safeties in a Refrigeration system used in ship

Refrigeration systems contain several safeties to protect against equipment failure, leaks, and other potential hazards. Here are some of the key safety features typically found in refrigeration systems: 

Low pressure (Lp) cut out:

Low pressure cut-off is fitted before the suction port of the compressor and it is used for safety purposes when the suction pressure comes down the cut-off stops the compressor and when pressure rises back the compressor will start again.

low pressure cut out

High pressure (HP) cut-off:

The high-pressure cut-off is fitted after the delivery port. It is used to save the high-pressure line, when the pressure becomes too high it will stop the compressor.

High pressure (HP) cut-off

Suction and delivery pressure gauge:-

It is used for measuring the pressure in the suction side and delivery side of the compressor.

Suction and delivery pressure gauge

Pressure Relief Valves (PRV’s):

These valves are designed to release pressure in the refrigeration system if it exceeds a certain level, preventing the system from bursting. PRV’s are typically set to open at a pressure slightly above the design pressure of the system. 

Pressure Relief  Valves

Oil Pressure Safety Switch:

This switch is designed to shut off the compressor if the oil pressure drops below a certain level, indicating a potential issue with the lubrication system. 

Oil Pressure Safety Switch

Liquid Line Solenoid Valve:

This valve is typically installed in the liquid line of the refrigeration system and is designed to shut off the flow of refrigerant in the event of a power outage or other system failure. 

Liquid Line Solenoid Valve

Sight Glass:

This glass is typically installed in the liquid line and allows the technician to visually inspect the refrigerant for any signs of moisture, which can indicate a potential leak. 

Sight Glass

Low Ambient Temperature Control:

This control is designed to shut off the compressor if the ambient temperature drops below a certain level, preventing the system from operating at a temperature that could damage the compressor or other components. 

                   These safety features are essential for ensuring the safe and reliable operation of refrigeration systems. Regular maintenance and inspection of these features are crucial to identify any potential issues and prevent equipment failure and hazards.


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